by CultiVitae | Nov 27, 2017 | Blog, Career Advice, Entrepreneur, Job Search, Networking, Personal Growth
I remember when I first started blogging back in the day on a platform called Xanga (am I dating myself here?). It was a platform where you could create a profile and write daily entries, similar to today’s Blogger and Medium. I had always enjoyed writing and I found...
by CultiVitae | Nov 13, 2017 | Blog, Personal Growth
I didn’t always know I wanted to be a career coach – in fact, I didn’t know until I was near 30. I was just happy to land a full-time job when I first graduated from college in 2009. Companies were still recovering from the 2008 housing market crash...
by CultiVitae | Oct 5, 2017 | Blog, Career Advice, Personal Growth
You don’t need a logo to be a brand. Every person also has a one-sentence vision statement. If you’re unsure what yours is, read on for the simple exercises that will help you craft one. Personal Brand Examples: Craft Your One Sentence Vision Statement When we think...
by CultiVitae | Sep 28, 2017 | Blog, Career Advice, Personal Growth
A few Saturdays ago, I was fortunate enough to attend Lean Networking: Lean In LA’s One Day Conference. It was a really informative day filled with 150+ eager professional women wanting to learn the secrets of how to network more effectively. As a career coach and...
by CultiVitae | Aug 31, 2017 | Blog, Career Advice, Personal Growth
Studies show our brains make snap judgments of people within milliseconds. Before we are even able to process an entire interaction or situation, we have already subconsciously formulated an opinion on someone or something. Just as a book is often judged by its cover,...
by CultiVitae | Aug 22, 2017 | Blog, Career Advice, Personal Growth
In this modern world, we have so many more possibilities and flexibility in our choices. Success is no longer the defaulted definition our past generations defined by status, wealth, zip codes, titles, prestige, VIP events, children, etc. That’s why I love using the...