The Happily Hired Formula

Get your two-weeks notice letter ready.

It's time to finally snag that dream job!

Life is too short to not wake up happy on Mondays. It's time to take control of your career because, let's be honest... if not you... who?


Happily Hired Formula is the ultimate system for snagging your dream job without getting lost in a black hole, and yes... even if you don't think you can!

Get your two-weeks notice letter ready.

It's time to finally snag that dream job!

Life is too short to not wake up happy on Mondays. It's time to take control of your career because, let's be honest... if not you... who?

Happily Hired Formula is the ultimate system for snagging your dream job without getting lost in a black hole, and yes... even if you don't think you can!

How do you feel when someone asks you that inevitable question: “What do you do?”  

... do you feel proud and excited to share your purposeful career?  

Or... more likely if you're here, do these thoughts come up?

“I don’t know what my purpose is”: What was I put on this Earth to do? That's the million dollar question. You need to input a goal into your Career GPS or you will continuously feel directionless and unsatisfied.

“I’m applying into a black hole”: Very few applicants find success through the online job board route as traditional job search methods are outdated and broken. In today's competitive market, you need a fresh approach so employers know you exist.  

“I’m not good at talking about myself”: Without feeling confident in what to share, how much to share, or how to position yourself to actually get the interview… recruiters or hiring managers won't know how awesome you are. Translation: you won't get the job offer.

“I don’t know anyone at my dream company, industry, or city”: The best jobs are often never posted online... they are referred! Now, you don't need to have a huge network, you do need a targeted strategy and irrisistible messaging to get introduced.

It's completely understandable if you've come up against these blocks as you were never taught how recruiters and hiring managers think.  

That is, until now.  

What if the next time someone asks you: "What do you do?" ... instead you feel proud and excited?  


  • Excited waking up to an inbox of interview requests and offer letters… without customizing hundreds of resumes and cover letters.  
  • Saying “YES!” to your dream company that you miraculously beat out hundreds of other qualified candidates for... without even having an established network.  
  • Proud of negotiating more vacation days, telecommute days, salary bump, and bonuses!
  • Joyfully handing in that resignation letter so you can finally feel challenged, inspired, and motivated again.
  • Smiling as you do work you love while affording the lifestyle you deserve.  
  • Energetically waking up happy on a Monday!

It would feel pretty darn amazing right? Well I've got GREAT NEWS: I’m about to share my proven roadmap with you... yep, the same exact roadmap I’ve walked hundreds of corporate professionals through to land dream jobs!

If you are done being...

  • Frustrated about your career direction and feeling behind compared to your peers
  • Overwhelmed and not sure where to start... you just know you want to get off the hamster wheel!
  • Discouraged by the rejection emails - or worse - silence! Your confidence takes a hit with each, "Thanks for applying but..." email filling your inbox 
  • Disappointed from being short of the offer stage... and annoyed of all the mixed signals being overqualified then underqualified...
  • Confused and tired of weeding through all of the conflicting advice
  • Over the entire job search process and wishing someone can just show you how it's done once and for all! 


You can absolutely learn how to develop and cultivate these job search skills that they never taught you in college. The key is to learning from a career expert who can show you all of the secrets in the hiring process.

Even better? 

They won’t just help you for this transition, but ALL future transitions! (Fun fact: the average American makes 11 transitions in their career!).  

Wake up excited for work on Mondays doing what you love… 

while making the ultimate impact and income you desire. 

These are a few side effects you’ll experience when you land that dream job you’ve been fantasizing about:  

  • BOOST YOUR CONFIDENCE Imagine your old friend asks, “So, what have you been up to?” Instead of answering, “Oh, you know, same ol’ same ol’!”’re rattling off all of the amazing projects you’re working on in your new role. Your friends and family see this radical shift of confidence and boost of self-esteem, and they love this new look on you! Sweet!  
  • INCREASE YOUR INCOME Imagine you’re paying off your bills (including those student loans!) and you still have plenty left over in each paycheck to afford the lifestyle you want and are contributing towards your retirement. Your net worth matches your self-worth. You love receiving the rewards that you deserve. I’ll cheers to that!  
  • MAKE A MEANINGFUL IMPACT As a heart-centered professional, you’re ecstatic you finally feel like you’re making a real difference. You feel good about the value and purpose you bring and LOVE the work you’re doing! This is what drives you out of bed before the alarm goes off. **high five!  
  • OBTAIN LONG-TERM JOB SECURITY You have employers and headhunters reaching out to YOU, asking if you’re open to hearing about new opportunities. (What a concept, right?) You never worry about being laid off, fired, or voluntarily resigning because you’re prepared and confident in navigating any situation. **fist bump!

How is that going to be possible?  

career happiness coach emily liou

Your secret weapon: Former recruiter turned career coach AKA me!

Hi, I’m Emily Liou!

I’m pulling back the curtains and dishing out ALL the secrets to overcoming these obstacles that prevent you from designing and snagging that dream job of yours.

After years of screening, interviewing, and hiring hundreds of candidates for Fortune 500 companies and Silicon Valley startups, I learned exactly what sent candidates directly to the rejection pile and what got them to the offer letter stage.

And now I coach and strategize your entire job search journey to position you as THE dream candidate for your dream job!

I’ve recruited for the following companies:

I wasn't always a career expert. I remember a time when I was once in your shoes...

  • aimlessly saying yes to opportunities that didn't fit the bigger picture
  • sending my resume into black holes with very few interviews to show for my efforts
  • collecting stacks of business cards at networking events but ultimately never connecting with them again
  • making less than my peers despite having the same exact credentials and experience

It was only after becoming a human resources and recruiting expert that I finally understood all of my career mistakes. I started to see perfectly qualified candidates make errors that costed them dream job offers. While I wanted to give them candid feedback, our company policies didn't allow us to...

And that's exactly why I became a trusted career coach.

Now I help job seekers like you take out all of the guesswork to get you on the right path, too! I'll actually give you honest feedback so you can improve.

And just so you know you're in good hands, I:  

  • Became recognized as a trusted career expert on international media outlets
  • Get messages from reruiters asking me if I’m interested in new job opportunities… every dang month 
  • Make more contributions, more impact, and more money 
  • Wake up happy on Mondays (and every other day!)  

I want to show you how to do the same! 

My career advice is regularly featured in:

Now I'm not special BUT I do have a proven system to help corporate professionals navigate and pivot their careers. This is the same system that allowed my clients to:

  • Tear up in joy when they realize they have discovered what they are put on this Earth to do  
  • Yield 3 competing job offers from top companies, ultimately accepting the position that was best aligned… and received over $20K more in salary  
  • Increase their salaries by 50% while finding companies and roles that aligned with their dream visions  
  • Accept a dream job within 3 weeks of moving to a new city with zero connections -- paying off debt and student loans quicker
  • Land a job within 3 months of moving to a new country without speaking the language nor having permanent citizenship  
  • After being a temp/contractor for 5 years, accept the first full-time job with an amazing benefits package and compensation plan (and vacation days!!)  
  • Develop communication and leadership skills to finally snag the promotion and work from home options  



By taking control of your career, you’ll be able to turn both your short- and long-term dreams into reality!  

Developing these professional skills are crucial. You’re going to learn how to stand out and snag your dream offers… not just in this immediate pivot… but for all future pivots to come.  

Your mission over the next couple of months, should you choose to accept it, is to completely transform your life and career.  

  • Create a professional brand that gets recruiters and hiring managers reaching out to ask if YOU are interested in new opportunities 
  • Carve out the career path you were put on this planet to carry out - that path that ignites your inner fire 
  • No more mass spraying and praying with your resume and cover letters into the abyss… instead, make meaningful connections with your dream companies 
  • Negotiate telecommute days, higher salary, more vacation days 
  • Finally feel excited and hope people ask, “So, what do you do?”  

... or will you choose to keep applying to jobs that don’t excite you and continuously make you wonder what else is out there?  


The Happily Hired Formula™ is a comprehensive, step-by-step program that will walk you through A to Z of your job search process. It’s not a DIY course, but instead, a DWY course (Do With You) as I will be answering any questions you have and guiding you throughout your career transition journey.

happily hired formula

This is the exact system my students have followed to…  

  • Figure out what the heck they want to do on this planet 
  • Make complete career pivots in departments, industries, and states within 3 months 
  • Increase their salaries by $5K, $10K, $20K, $50K, $100K and more 
  • Look forward to Mondays again!  

For your one-time investment, you get lifetime access to this foolproof, comprehensive, step-by-step system...

Here’s how The Happily Hired Formula™ can help you go from underemployed to happily employed. Over the years, I’ve been asked the same exact questions from job seekers. I’ve put the best advice into a snackable and implementable guide to navigate through each stage of your job search process. This comprehensive course will guide you step-by-step through:  

Are you counting down until 5:00?

Chances are, you haven’t discovered your career or calling! 

When you step into your calling, you become more engaged at work and feel like you’re making the greatest impact on this planet.

  • Discover what lights you up… even if you have no clue! 
  • I’ll show you how to find the 900+ realistic positions (really, there are a lot when you know where to look!) that not only match your superpowers and interests but also your income goals 
  • Map out and act on a powerful blueprint of the career goals you want to make 3 months vs. 3 years from now
  • Implement a game plan to make your career pivot even if you don’t have direct experience in the field -- this is the exact plan that has allowed my clients to go from sales into marketing or attorney into human resources manager, to name a few!  

Do you know how to capture a recruiter’s eyes in the SIX seconds they’ll spend on your resume? 

If not, you will. In under an hour, you’ll walk away with an irresistible resume that leaves the recruiter wanting to learn more about you by scheduling that initial interview!

  • Build an impressive marketing material that gets employers saying, “Hmmm. I like what I see… let’s set up an interview!” 
  • Get detailed resume templates and examples that “Wow!” employers (literally) 
  • Get the low-down on the exact details recruiters are looking for and how you can beat the applicant tracking systems to get your resume read 
  • My Ultimate Irresistible Resume Checklist to make sure you don’t leave out anything important as this is one of the most highly scrutinized materials in the job search process  

You know you should be on LinkedIn but aren’t sure how to stand out? 

You’ll fully optimize your profile so it screams All-Star status and allows you to be discovered for the amazing opportunities that await you.

  • Create an eye-catching profile and make your brand work for you instead of against you 
  • Grab the best practices and tips to capture your audience’s attention 
  • Show up 40x more in search results with these easy-to-implement secrets! 
  • Get InMails from recruiters asking YOU if you’re interested in interviewing 
  • Use the easy, customizable templates to get powerful endorsements and recommendations so future employers can see how awesome you are  

The key to success is building meaningful relationships. I'll show you how easy it is to get people to pass your resume on to recruiters - even if you don't have a network! 

Leverage the freshest strategies and connect with the right people from the comforts of your home, even in your PJ’s!  

  • Use the 4-step process every email or conversation should include to get a ‘YES!’ 
  • Swipe the top customizable email templates that convert into meetings, introductions, and interviews 
  • Craft a compelling elevator pitch to get people leaning in instead of saying, “Cool” with a shrug 
  • Feel confident in your next group meeting or 1:1 conversation as you discover the art behind conversation  

Tired of customizing resumes only to hear crickets on the other end? 

Stop getting lost a start getting visible. Tap into the 85% hidden job market - those jobs that are never posted online by following these 7 strategies to get seen!

  • Conduct informational interviews (the right way) so employers ask you at the end, “Would you be interested in one of our openings?” 
  • Partner with headhunters the smart way and get on the top of their whitelist (instead of blacklisted) 
  • Leverage LinkedIn’s lesser known features and reach anyone without having to pay for Premium membership (save $75/month!) 
  • Connect using the power of social media to get directly in front of hiring managers and future colleagues 
  • Make sure hiring managers see your All-Star LinkedIn profile (hint: this is how 55% of my clients ultimately landed their dream jobs!)  

Once you implement the job search strategies above, you will get interviews fast! 

You have 30-60 minutes to impress the interviewer. 

Fully prepare and feel confident for this critical stage to snag the offer.  

  • Preparing for and even predicting the types of questions you will be asked about 
  • Making the strongest positive impression and demonstrating your Emotional Quotient 
  • Answering brain teasers, behavioral questions, and the most common interview questions with confidence and ease! 
  • Closing the interview to increase your odds of getting that shiny offer letter!  

Get paid what you're worth.

Don't settle.

Follow these scripts and phrases to make more $$$ doing what you love! (Yes, even if you've never negotiated before).  

  • Build a positive money mindset! Before you negotiate, it’s important to build a healthy mindset around what more money means to you so you don’t self-sabotage or feel negatively about negotiating 
  • Calculate your competitive market value and position yourself for the top range 
  • Communicate exact phrases proven to tactfully ask for a more lucrative compensation package 
  • Ask for more vacation days, bonuses, tuition reimbursement, and more! 
  • Know when and how to resign so you don’t burn any bridges and can have positive references for years to come  

In addition to a comprehensive, 24/7 access, comprehensive, step-by-step system, The Happily Hired Formula™ also offers: 

  • Recorded, LIVE monthly group coaching calls to answer all of the special nuances that will inevitably come up during your job search process. How helpful would it be to have an expert recruiter address any special situations that arise in YOUR career journey? 
  • A private Facebook group for daily accountability, advice, and answers. 
  • Lifetime access to the course so you can return anytime and often as you'd like 
  • Interactive PDF worksheets and transcripts for each video lecture

Don't just hear it from me, here's what alumni have to say:

"Through this program I learned how to market myself appropriately to employers, which led me to land so many great interviews and multiple job offers! I ultimately accepted a position that pays me $18K more!!! Emily is an expert in the recruiting process and takes really good care of whoever comes to her for advice, this is why I selected her as my coach. Thanks to our working together, I accepted a full-time position that fit my criteria including going from a contractor to a full-time employee." 

- Abdul Kader, San Francisco, CA, Legal Professional transitioned from temp to full-time employee

"Emily's advice is spot on and I recommend her left right and centre. She is awesome and definitely a little diamond in the industry. I hired her as my career coach because I was looking to transition into a new industry AND a new country. Within weeks of working together, I had 5 interviews scheduled with top companies across my dream industries. This course literally is magic!"  

- Patrycja Sosnowska, Education transitioned into Communications/Consulting  

"Emily is truly inspirational and motivational. This course literally walked me through approaching each stage of 'the job search', and Emily was also a constant source of encouragement. I found her tips and tricks on what recruiters & hiring managers look for to be extremely helpful. She is easily one of the most warm-hearted and approachable people I know! I'm happy to announce that I'm 4 weeks into my new full-time dream job and completely changed industries AND she got me back home to the Bay area!

- Mark S., Recent Grad transition into Biotech/Pharmaceuticals from Los Angeles to Bay Area

"Emily is a true professional! Her instinctual curiosity makes the process feel so easy. Emily asks the right questions to help you look inside and find the things that have provided you happiness and purpose. Through the Happily Hired Formula, I found the perfect job for me... in just a month! I negotiated $20K more in my initial offer letter. I will definitely continue to work with Emily as I continue to develop and move through the stages of my career."

- Meagan Kellogg, Cleveland, OH, transitioned in Consumer Goods to Credit Industry

happily hired formula

When you join today, you’ll also get these free bonuses:

BONUS: THE SECRET SAUCE TO FLOURISHING IN YOUR CAREER (value: $199) What allows perfectly qualified candidates to find jobs within weeks compared to others who take over months to YEARS? It’s not a lack of skills or experience - instead the secret sauce is found in developing a winning mindset. In this bonus, you’ll apply practical exercises to ensure you are mentally prepared for the job search journey ahead.  

BONUS: CREATE AN EPIC PERSONAL BRAND (value: $199) When you search your name on the internet, what comes up? If you want to stand out in the job search process (as well as throughout the rest of your career), it’s time to control your narrative. Creating a personal brand will not only get you job offers... but also get you that promotion! Follow the six-step process to effectively stand out as THE candidate an employer should hire!  

BONUS: Customizable Cover Letter Template + Sample (Value: $150) Write an eye-catching cover letter that makes it impossible for employers to say, “Sorry, you’re not a match!” This template is easily customizable so you don’t have to spend hours on crafting the perfect narrative.  

Join Happily Hired Formula today and get this ultimate job search kit valued at $3,844!

  • The entire Happily Hired Formula™ go-at-your-own-pace system complete with videos, transcripts, swipe files, scripts, formulas, and fillable PDF implementation worksheets ($997 value) 
  • Bonus 1: Live group coaching calls every month for clarity around any questions you have, full customized support to your background, and motivating next steps ($1,200 value)  
  • Bonus 2: Access to private Facebook community for continuous accountability, support, and advice ($500 value)
  • Bonus 3: The Secret Sauce to Flourishing In Your Career ($199 value)
  • Bonus 4: Create an Epic Personal Brand ($199 value)
  • Bonus 5: Cover letter template + sample to get hiring managers asking you for your availability to interview ($150 value)  

And that’s not including the value of using these skills to confidently navigate any future career changes. 

This program will elevate your personal and professional development for the rest of your career and are the skills necessary to leapfrog your salary to make $5K, $10K, $20K - and in some instances - $100K more! 

While my clients see their ROI in obtaining their next paycheck or pay raise quicker, discovering a career that they can wake up happy to on Monday mornings is priceless!  

Happily Hired Formula 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Not sure if The Happily Hired Formula™ is right for you? Well, I’m giving you a full MONTH to dive into the course and try out the step-by-step formula. If you reach out within 30 days to let me know that you’re not seeing any growth, I’ll happily give you a full refund.  

If you do end up requesting a refund, you’ll need to show me that you did the work by completing all of the implementation guides in the first four modules. As long as you’ve done the work, you’ll be able to request a refund. 

Remember, The Happily Hired Formula™ isn't about information, it's about implementation. It won’t work unless you put forth the effort. I’m offering this money-back guarantee because I believe so strongly in the quality and contents of The Happily Hired Formula™, and I want you to see how game-changing this course can be, risk-free!  

CultiVitae Happily Hired Formula FAQs

Still on the fence? Here’s all the additional information to feel confident in your decision:  

How is this program different from others on the market (AKA will this work for me even if I’ve taken other programs unsuccessfully)? This program was designed after coaching hundreds of people who went from ZERO interviews after job searching for 6 months to landing MULTIPLE interviews within weeks of following this trusted job search formula. In addition to walking you step-by-step, I’m here to answer ALL of the questions that come up with your unique job search. This program is not about information; it’s about implementation! With the right actions and strategy in place, we’ll take out the guesswork so you can reach your goals. 

How long does The Happily Hired Formula™ take? You should expect to budget 1-2 hours each week for the course content and exercises. You have full lifetime access to the courses so you can revisit them as needed throughout your career evolution. You can also work at your own pace in case life gets busy.  

What if I don't need all of the modules? I've coached hundreds of ambitious corporate professionals seeking a career transition, and what I've found is 100% of them needed more guidance than originally anticipated. This program is designed to give you full support from gaining clarity to succeeding in your new role. The Happily Hired Formula™ takes out the guesswork of the dos and don’ts of the job search process.  

What if I'm going on vacation or too busy? This program is designed as a DWY (Do With You). Although you can certainly DIY (Do It Yourself), a supportive community is also available any time you have a question. You can work at your own pace, revisit any of the modules whenever you need to, and know that our private FB community and I are here to support you whenever questions do arise. You have lifetime access to the course and the group!  

What if I can't make the live Q&A calls? You can share your questions you want answered in advance so I can address it in the live session. The calls are recorded so you'll be able to listen and learn as if you were there. These calls occur every first Wednesday of the month at 5:30 PM PST/8:30 PM EST.  

So who IS The Happily Hired Formula™ for? This program is for ambitious corporate professionals who are ready to believe any career transition is possible. It's for those who want to actively make a change and design a career and life they love. In short, The Happily Hired Formula™ is for those ready to take full control of their careers and get unstuck! This program is for you if you want to turn your dream job into a reality.  

We spend a total of 80,000 hours in the workplace… are these hours flying by because you’re in your zone of genius or do you stare at the clock waiting to clock out?  

In just a few weeks to months, you could be popping champagne with your family and friends over a new position that you’re actually waking up before the alarm for.  

Or, you could be coming home from a long day of work and complaining about “just another one of those days…”  

You might never feel like it’s the right time to take control of your career. But please, learn from the hundreds of people I’ve coached, and don’t wait until you are forced to make a change. The best time to search for a new job is when you’re currently employed. Taking control of your career is one of the most rewarding feelings you can give yourself.  

What is it costing you to NOT take action on a physical, mental, emotional, and financial level?  

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” - Jack Canfield  

It’s always easy to ask, “What’s the worst that could happen?”  

But let me ask, “What’s the BEST thing that could happen?”  

You’re one click away from walking yourself step-by-step through a life changing process that will allow you to live a life worth living.

Don't snooze and lose, enrollment ends Thursday, January 31, 2019!

  • The entire Happily Hired Formula™ go-at-your-own-pace system complete with videos, transcripts, swipe files, scripts, formulas, and fillable PDF implementation worksheets ($997 value) 
  • Bonus 1: Live group coaching calls every month for clarity around any questions you have, full customized support to your background, and motivating next steps ($1,200 value)  
  • Bonus 2: Access to private Facebook community for continuous accountability, support, and advice ($500 value)
  • Bonus 3: The Secret Sauce to Flourishing In Your Career ($199 value)
  • Bonus 4: Create an Epic Personal Brand ($199 value) 
  • Bonus 5: Cover letter template + sample to get hiring managers asking you for your availability to interview ($150 value)  

And that’s not including the value of using these skills to confidently navigate any future career changes. 

This program will elevate your personal and professional development for the rest of your career and are the skills necessary to leapfrog your salary to make $5K, $10K, $20K - and in some instances - $100K more! 

While my clients see their ROI in obtaining their next paycheck or pay raise quicker, discovering a career that they can wake up happy to on Monday mornings is priceless!  

Join Happily Hired Formula today and get this ultimate job search kit valued at $4,144!

Alumni sharing what's possible:

Will you join our community of alumni who landed in dream jobs at dream companies?
