So you just landed a new job — congratulations! Getting a new job, especially if it’s your dream job that you’ve been after for years, is no easy feat and is often the result of a lot of hard work, determination, and elbow grease. It’s time to let everyone know about this new milestone, and what better platform to do it than on LinkedIn?

Sharing your career achievements on LinkedIn might seem a little humblebrag-y, but it’s actually a good way to stay engaged with your network, keep your profile up to date, and even open doors to future opportunities. LinkedIn has seriously transformed the way we navigate and network in our careers, but if your profile is not existent or still showing that you work at a job you quit years ago, how helpful is it really? So how do you craft that perfect LinkedIn post for joining a new company? One that strikes the right balance between confidence, gratitude, and appreciation?

How to Announce a New Job on LinkedIn

How to Announce a New Job on LinkedIn

Why Should You Announce Your New Job on LinkedIn?

The countless hours of hard work, networking, and interviews have paid off, and you’ve finally gotten a job offer for your dream job!

Now comes the question: Why bother announcing your new job on LinkedIn in the first place?

  1. Celebrating an Achievement:

Announcing your new job on LinkedIn isn’t about bragging about yourself or rubbing your success in everyone’s face. It can serve as a heartfelt celebration with the people who have cheered you along the way (maybe even your career coach!). It’s a public thank you to mentors, colleagues, friends, and family who have contributed to your journey.

  1. Networking and Relationship Building:

Your LinkedIn network is a powerful tool for your career, and posting on LinkedIn is one way to stay in touch without having to individually update every single person you know about your new job (including casual colleagues or work acquaintances who might wonder where you went!). By sharing your new role, you’re inviting them to share in a significant moment in your life. This transparency fosters trust and camaraderie, turning mere connections into lasting relationships.

  1. Professional Branding:

This is your moment to shine, but it’s also a chance to reinforce your professional image. How you announce your new position can reflect your personality, values, and professionalism, laying the foundation for your personal brand.

  1. Opportunities and Collaboration:

Celebration posts on LinkedIn almost always get a ton of engagement, so let that be an unexpected benefit for you! You never know where your next opportunity might come from.

A thoughtful LinkedIn post might spark interest from a future collaborator, a business partner, or even catch the eye of someone who could play a vital role in your new job. It’s a conversation starter, a door opener, and a way to stay on the radar of industry professionals. Plus, most LinkedIn users don’t post at all, so this gives you another way to positively stand out.

  1. Inspiration to Others:

Your success story could be the motivation someone else needs. Whether it’s a fellow job seeker, someone early in their career journey, or someone contemplating a career change, your journey may inspire them to pursue their dreams with renewed vigor. Also, when the job market is difficult, it can be encouraging to see that people ARE still getting hired.

  1. Reflecting and Looking Forward:

Taking a moment to announce your new job gives you a chance to reflect on what you’ve accomplished and look forward to what’s next. It’s a pause that allows you to appreciate where you’ve been and where you’re going.

I always like to remind my clients to celebrate whenever they get a new job! How will you celebrate your next offer? 🙂

How to Announce Your New Job on LinkedIn: Key Parts to Include

You’ve landed your dream job, and you’ve decided to share the exciting news with your network. But how do you announce your new job on LinkedIn in a way that resonates with your connections and showcases your accomplishment? (And doesn’t make you sound like you’re bragging!)

Let’s break it down:

  1. Start with Gratitude:

Begin by expressing thanks to those who’ve supported you—mentors, colleagues, family, career coach. 😉 Your journey likely involves other people, and acknowledging them creates a sense of humility and appreciation.

  1. Share the Why:

If it’s relevant and appropriate, your network might be interested in hearing why you’re excited about this new career move. This adds depth to your announcement and could even inspire other professionals who are considering making a career pivot.

  1. Keep it Professional but Personal:

Strike a balance between professional language and personal enthusiasm. Let your personality shine through while remembering that this is still a professional announcement.

  1. Include Relevant Details:

What is your new role? Who is your new employer? What are you looking forward to most? These details provide context and encourage engagement from your connections.

  1. Use a Captivating Image or Video:

Visuals can capture attention and convey emotions more powerfully than words alone. Consider a celebratory photo of you to share your excitement. Also, LinkedIn posts with visuals (even a video) often do better than those without.

  1. Engage with Responses:

Don’t just post and run; engage with the congratulations and comments you receive. It keeps the conversation going and strengthens your network relationships.

  1. Reflect Your Change in Your Profile:

When the timing is right, update your LinkedIn profile to reflect your new position (see later in this post for my thoughts on timing!). This ensures consistency across your profile and announcement.

Sample LinkedIn Posts for Joining a New Company

Crafting the perfect LinkedIn post for joining a new company is both exciting and a little daunting. I often hear from clients that they’re intimidated by the idea of posting publicly on LinkedIn. If you have no idea where to start, here are a few examples of what you could share on LinkedIn for various positions.

The ideal post will express your enthusiasm, gratitude, and expectations all in one neat package (no pressure, right??). Whether you’re stepping into a managerial role, joining an exciting new startup, or making a career pivot, these three examples can guide you to write a post that’s genuine, professional, and engaging.

  1. For a Managerial Position:

I’m excited to embark on a new journey as the Sales Manager at ! Thank you so much to all the mentors, colleagues, and friends who have shaped me along the way. I’m looking forward to leading a talented team and driving growth.

This post conveys excitement, acknowledges the support system, and focuses on the new responsibilities.

  1. For Joining a Startup or Innovative Company:

I’m thrilled to announce I’ve joined the innovative team at as their Lead Developer. It’s time to turn ideas into realities and create something truly unique. I believe in our mission and I’m ready to roll my sleeves up and get to work with a talented team of people dedicated to shaping the future of healthcare. Thank you to everyone who believed in my creativity and technical skills and helped with feedback during all my practice interviews!

Here, the emphasis is on creativity, innovation, and the unconventional path that startups often represent. It’s about making dreams tangible.

  1. For Pursuing a Passion or Career Shift:

From a young age I was enchanted by the beauty of the environment and to this day I spend my weekends going on hikes and exploring the outdoors. I’m excited to announce that I’m starting a new chapter of my career as I follow my passion for sustainable living, joining as their Sustainability Coordinator. I’m immensely grateful for this opportunity to make a difference. Thank you to everyone who supported me along the way in this journey. Here’s to a greener future!

This post is personal and shows how excited you are about this new opportunity, focusing on aligning career with personal values and passions.

Crafting a LinkedIn post for joining a new company is an opportunity to reflect on your path and share your aspirations with your network. It’s a blend of storytelling, branding, and networking, all rolled into one.

Let your authenticity shine through, and don’t shy away from sharing what this new opportunity truly means to you. People love to see other people following their purpose or passion. Your connections are not just celebrating a new job; they’re celebrating you! And that’s something truly special.

When Should You Post Your New Position on LinkedIn?

At this point you might be wondering about the timing of all of this. Are you supposed to post as soon as you get an offer letter?

Not so fast! Don’t post just yet. 🙂

First and foremost, you want to make sure your new job is completely official. This means waiting until the metaphorical ink is dry on the contract, and you’ve had a clear conversation with your new employer about any potential public announcements. In an age of ghosting and retracted offers, posting too soon could create unexpected complications.

Here are a few other tips to keep in mind:

Consider Your Current Employer:

If you’re moving on from a current position, you need to be transparent with your current employer and team about your departure once you have an official offer in hand. Ideally, they should hear the news directly from you, not via a social media announcement. That means giving your appropriate notice BEFORE posting on LinkedIn (otherwise it makes things very awkward!).

Pick the Right Moment:

LinkedIn has its own rhythms, and data shows that posts tend to perform best on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, particularly in the morning hours when workers are most likely to be engaged. Consider what time zone most of your network resides in, and aim for the sweet spot that allows your exciting news to get traction.

Align with Other Announcements:

If your new company is also making an announcement about your hiring, try to coordinate your post with theirs. This unified approach amplifies the message and reflects well on your new professional relationship.

Think about Your Transition:

If you’re going to have a gap between roles or if there is a significant lead time before you officially begin your new position, it might be wise to delay your announcement. This way, your news aligns more closely with your actual start date, keeping the momentum and excitement alive. You certainly don’t want to announce a new job that you’re not starting for several months, only to have the offer retracted or plans changed.

Your network will no doubt be excited to learn about your new job, but delivering the news with grace and good timing allows you to demonstrate your professionalism and positive communication skills. You’ll also make a more positive impression on your new employer while not burning bridges with the prior one!

Using LinkedIn After You Land a New Job

Landing a new job is a thrilling milestone, but your journey with LinkedIn doesn’t end there. It’s just the beginning of a fresh chapter.

If you’re posting on LinkedIn for the first time (or the first time in a long time), you might be interested in these other tips to keep the momentum going. LinkedIn is a POWERFUL tool for your career if used properly.

  1. Keep Your Profile Updated:

Make sure your title, company, and new responsibilities are current. It’s not just about announcing the new job but reflecting your evolving career.

  1. Engage with Your Company:

Follow and engage with your new company’s page. It’s part of integrating into your new professional community.

  1. Continue to Network:

Relationships are the backbone of professional growth. Keep fostering connections and if appropriate, connect with your new coworkers and team members.

  1. Share, Endorse, Learn:

Offer insights, endorse colleagues, post if you feel called to, check out LinkedIn’s learning library, and continue to network and engage.

Overall, LinkedIn is more than just a platform to announce your new job. It’s a powerful and VERY underused tool to cultivate your career for the rest of this journey.

Embrace the opportunity to grow, connect, and contribute within your industry, and use LinkedIn to its full abilities as a networking and career development platform! You never know — you might find your next opportunity from being active there with a recruiter reaching out to YOU. 😉

Congratulations on landing your new job, and let’s get to announcing it on LinkedIn!


If you’re ready to find a better role for this season of your life, check out my FREE on-demand masterclass to get the freshest strategies on how to go from feeling stuck to landing more ALIGNED interviews & offers.

How to Land Your Dream Job Free Masterclass

How to Land Your Dream Job Free Masterclass

Emily Liou and her team believe that everyone can land their dream job. Want to find out more about how you can wake up happier on Mondays? Whether you like to work at your own pace or have a group to hold you accountable, there’s a Happily Hired job search program to shortcut your job search today.

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