Do you get interview nerves and wish that you could predict the questions that come up during the interview? You’re in luck! In this video and post, I’m going to share how to predict interview questions using SWOT analysis interview prep. This powerful exercise will allow you to prepare your answers!

SWOT Analysis Interview Prep: How to Prepare for Your Next Interview

S.W.O.T. is a strategic business planning term that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. While it’s typically used for executive planning, it can also be used for your interview preparation and job search!

By using this simple exercise, you’re going to be able to anticipate the exact answers for the questions that will inevitably pop up during the interview.

Let’s get started by pulling up the job description you’re interviewing for along with your resume.

SWOT Analysis Interview Prep


Strengths are the components of the job description that you can confidently say, “Yep! I’ve done that or have that!”

As you go through each line you have experience with, be sure to highlight them so you know they are your strengths.

Next, you’ll want to come up with specific examples that provide details of how you’ve done that… including the ultimate result.


Weaknesses are basically everything that you haven’t highlighted. This means there is a skills gap or experience gap in place. It’s important to note this because it could very well be a concern for the hiring manager. Make note of these things and then you’ll want to move over to Opportunities.


Opportunities are ways you’re going to share that your weakness isn’t actually going to be a hinderance.

How can you prove this? What is your action plan to come up to speed quickly? Have you worked with a similar software before? Have you demonstrated how you pick up new skills all the time? Make sure you think through each of the weaknesses and find opportunities for them.


Threats are other skills and experience that your competition might bring. For example, maybe they are coming with more years of industry experience or even have an MBA vs. your Bachelor’s degree. To combat these threats, you want to think about your special talent and skills that can add value. A job description is never exhaustive so what else do you feel would add tremendous value to your employer? Be sure you highlight these value adds throughout your interview, as well!

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Final Thoughts About Interviewing

You can’t prepare for every single question so it’s important to remain flexible and just have fun! At the end of the day, if you can be your authentic self and vibe well with the hiring manager, you can trust it will be a more likely cultural match.

If an interviewer makes you feel uncomfortable, do your best to smile, remain positive, and trust that you prepared the best way you can.

And don’t forget to send out thank you cards once you’re finished with your interview.

Good luck!


How to Predict (and prepare for) Next Interview with Powerful Exercise swot analysis

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